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Embark on a journey of holistic healing and spiritual growth with Angel Feathers Spiritual Sanctuary. Our diverse range of services including energy healing sessions, Celtic Tarot readings, Pellowah Space sessions and the transformative Energy Spa vibration healing. Our services are designed to nurture your mind, body and spirit. Discover profound transformation as you explore our offerings and unlock the power of self-discovery.


The Energy Spa

After discovering the incredible healing benefits of sound and vibration, I began studying and delving into the realm of Sound Science. I became a certified Vibroacoustic Therapy Practitioner and was accepted as a Certified Member of the International Institute for Complimentary Therapists (IICT).

Now, my focus is entirely dedicated to providing vibroacoustic therapy for individuals seeking relief from symptoms of illness, stress reduction, deep relaxation, overall balance and deeper connection to their higher selves.

Witnessing the physical, mental, and emotional benefits that my clients have achieved through this therapy fills me with joy and purpose.


Some clients also embrace this therapy purely for deep relaxation and to connect with their inner and higher selves, incorporating it into their meditation practices for balance and harmony.

At The Energy Spa Sound Bed Healing, you'll experience a unique and unparalleled Sound Healing Therapy.

Not only will you hear the sound, but our specially engineered and calibrated transducers in the sound bed will also allow you to feel the pure tones of the healing frequency vibrations gracefully moving throughout your whole body.

I'm thrilled to be one of the first in Australia to bring this transformative technology and healing experience to the public. Join me on this journey to achieve your health, wellness, and spiritual goals as you relax and enjoy this transformative experience.

Looking forward to meeting you soon!


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Celtic Tarot

Annie is an International Psychic having worked in the UK, U.S.A and Australia.

She believes that everyone has psychic skills and intuition and wants to help people on their spiritual journey. She grew up in Scotland in Glasgow and has been in Australia for nearly 40 years.. She now calls herself a Scaussie – a Scottish Aussie!

She is open, honest and down to earth and has a wicked sense of humour and no filter!

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The Pellowah Space

Nate's connection to the spiritual realm ignited in a childhood encounter with the mighty Archangel Metatron. This transformative event marked him with a symbol of his celestial connection and set him on a path of otherworldly experiences. From out-of-body journeys to profound intuition, Nate's gifts were undeniable, yet sometimes overwhelming.
Through life's challenges, he honed his resilience, strengthening his inner knowing. His mastery of Pellowah and the Umana technique expanded his ability to guide others on their healing journeys. A pivotal encounter with Archangel Michael ignited his true calling.
Guided by divine light, he discovered his spirit name, Arael Aszarym. Arael Aszarym embodies a journey of awakening. As an Earth Angel, he channels celestial wisdom, offering Pellowah, Umana technique, Angel Numerology, Arbah, Soul 2 Source readings, and past life assimilation. He spreads love, joy, and an unyielding spirit. His mission is to ignite the extraordinary within the ordinary, reminding us that we are all superheroes, armed with the ultimate power – love

Harmony for Tranquility

Kerrie, also the owner of The Energy Spa Sound Bed Healing, is a gifted spiritual communicator and healer with a passion for guiding others on their path to self-discovery and inner harmony. Kerrie embarked on her journey with Harmony for Tranquility in 1995, driven by her desire to help others reconnect with their own gifts.

Since then, she has helped many individuals reconnect with their spiritual essence through a holistic approach to personal growth. Kerrie's teachings began with an introduction to psychic development course, where she introduced students to meditation, breathwork, energy exchange, aura reading, psychometry, and communication with spirit guides and angels.

Harmony for Tranquility has been a beacon of light over many years, for those feeling overwhelmed by the demands of modern life and disconnected from their authentic selves. Kerrie understands the struggles of feeling like a Human DO-ing rather than a Human BE-ing and invites others to make that transformative shift. Through live streams and workshops, she encourages individuals to align with their higher selves and tap into their intuition and the wisdom of the divine source. Kerrie is excited to now be offering these workshops in collaboration with the team at Angels Feathers Spiritual School.

You can follow Harmony for Tranquility on Facebook and YouTube where she shares spiritual communications and inspirational content.